The costs for seven semesters with a subsequent FDI diploma at the Fashion Design Institute Düsseldorf vary depending on the training and study program.

The following fees apply for the International Fashion Designer, International Fashion Stylist and Journalist and Fashion Marketing Manager courses:

  1. Year: 440 euros per month
  2. Year: 460 euros per month
  3. Year: 480 euros per month.

The cost for non-EU citizens is 6000 euros per year. Trainees from China, Japan or the USA have to pay 7,000 euros per year.

Eine Besonderheit stellen die Erweiterungs-Studiengänge Modedesign Studium Bachelor (BA Professionell) in diesen Bereichen dar. Nach den ersten drei Jahren und dem anschließenden FDI Diplom Abschluss besteht hier die Möglichkeit, das Wissen im Rahmen einer zweiten Lehrphase an der französischen Partnerschule EIDM zu vertiefen. Im Rahmen dieser Weiterbildung können die Absolventen der Modeschule Düsseldorf innerhalb von drei Monaten einen B.A. Professional an dieser Modeschule erreichen. Alle Prüfungsleistungen, die für diesen Abschluss notwendig sind, werden an der EIDM abgelegt. Hierfür sind einmal 4500 Euro an die Partnerschule zu bezahlen.
Der B.A. Professional ist eine einzigartige Möglichkeit, die Modebranche in Paris, dem Herzen der Modewelt selbst hautnah kennenzulernen und wertvolle Kontakte zu namhaften Fashion Designern und Labels zu knüpfen.

Eine weitere Besonderheit ist das die zweite Lehrphase auch an der italienischen Partnerschule Ferrari Fashion School in Mailand absolviert werden kann. Hier können verschiedene Bachelor of Arts erworben werden, wobei die Studienzeit je nach Studiengang unterschiedlich ist.. 

As the Düsseldorf Fashion School is a state-recognized supplementary school, it is possible to claim the Federal Training Assistance Grant (BAföG).

The Fashion Design Institute Düsseldorf was founded in 2008. While at that time only international fashion designers were trained, the portfolio of the Düsseldorf fashion school has since been expanded to include the study and training courses Fashion Journalism and Fashion Marketing Management.

On the one hand, the FDI is characterized by a unique training concept in which the students are accompanied by top-class and experienced lecturers. In addition, the fashion school has been able to draw on valuable contacts with well-known international fashion labels and fashion designers such as Van Laack, Philipp Plein, Michalsky, Hugo Boss, Joop, Windsor and Strellson since its foundation. This regularly gives trainees the opportunity to gain relevant practical experience through internships or work stores and pave their way into the fashion world. The FDI is also present at various fashion shows every year to give prospective graduates an insight into the fashion industry.

Top-class jury members are invited to the examinations, during which the budding fashion designers create and present their own collections each year. The main jury for 2023 included a representative of the Schiaparelli fashion house, for example, who was able to see the talent of the up-and-coming designers for herself.

Thanks to these opportunities, graduates of the Düsseldorf Fashion School usually find an employment contract within a short period of time. The quality of FDI graduates is now internationally renowned, which is why the institute is regularly invited to visit major fashion companies such as Chanel and Schiaparelli. The institute's outstanding commitment to its graduates and the unique quality of its young fashion talents has not gone unnoticed by international ranking agencies, which is why the FDI has been the only German fashion school on the Forbes list of the best 50 schools in the world since 2014.

The Düsseldorf Fashion School offers its graduates three different training and study programs, which can be extended by a Master's or Diploma or a B.A. Professional:

  • International Fashion Designer: The International Bachelor in Fashion Design is designed to help graduates find their own unique style. Classes focus on workmanship, drawing, illustration, shows, fabrics and craftsmanship. Classes are designed to be practical and to prepare graduates for their future careers, whether they have a career as an independent designer or as an employee of a major label in mind. The B.A. International Fashion Designer goes hand in hand with an internship, which can pave the way to a great career for students.
  • Fashion Marketing Management: Without marketing and management, large companies would look old. That's why this job is one of the most popular professions in the fashion industry. The Fashion Marketing/Management Manager apprenticeship includes numerous practical exercises and sound theoretical foundations. Trainees are trained to become problem solvers for companies and thus make themselves indispensable. The dual teaching gives the prospective marketing managers the best opportunity to work their way up to the management level of well-known companies.
  • International fashion stylist and journalist: Fashion journalists have a flair for fashion and trends. They decide what the fashions of the future will look like, attend Fashion Weeks in Milan. Paris and London and have the knack of eliciting fashion companies' secrets. In combination with training as a fashion stylist, trainees are taught how to create creative and innovative outfits for fashion magazines, organize photo shoots and write texts.

Wer sich dafür interessiert, nach der Ausbildung in Düsseldorf Mode zu studieren, ist beim Fashion Design Institut an der richtigen Adresse. Dabei sollte beachtet werden, dass es sich beim FDI nicht um eine Universität oder Fachhochschule handelt:
Das FDI ist eine staatlich anerkannte Ergänzungsschule, die für bestandene Prüfungen ein international hochangesehenes FDI-Diplom vergibt. Da dieses Diplom nicht mit einem akademischen Hochschulabschluss vergleichbar ist, haben Absolventen die Möglichkeit, diese Abschlüsse an internationalen Hochschulen nachzuholen.

Um sich an der Modeschule Düsseldorf einschreiben zu können, ist als Voraussetzung mindestens ein Fachober- oder Realschulabschluss notwendig. Bei besonderer künstlerischen Begabung ist auch ein Hauptschulabschluss ausreichend.             Das Mindestalter für Bewerbende beträgt 16 Jahre. 

To apply to the Fashion Design Institute, an application portfolio must be submitted in addition to a CV in tabular form and the relevant certificates. This must contain five works. Whether these are drawings, collages, sculptures, illustrations, photographs, blogs or handmade, creative objects is up to the applicant. The application portfolio is the applicant's business card, so to speak, and is a more decisive application criterion for the Düsseldorf Fashion School than the grades in a school leaving certificate. If you want to study fashion, you should have a high degree of creativity, passion and innovation.

Die Modeschule Düsseldorf bietet potenziellen Bewerbern die Möglichkeit, vorab an einem Mappen- und Zeichenworkshop teilzunehmen. Im Rahmen dieses Kurses bekommen die Bewerber wertvolle Tools vermittelt, die bei der Erstellung eine aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsmappe helfen können. Zudem können sie erkennen ob die Fashion Welt etwas für sie ist.